Living with 290: Monster

I was convicted of a Lewd and Lascivious act upon a minor between the age of 14 and 15 with there being a 10 year difference between us. This occurred in Orange County in October of 1994, I served 3 years probation and had to go to counseling for the 3 years. When the victim turned 18 we started a long term relationship that lasted over 8 years.  I understand the law and do realize the ramifications of my actions.

This happened over 20 years ago and I have been living with the stigma of being this monster. I do admit that I made a huge mistake and I do not deny my actions. I am one of the people who made a horrible mistake when I was younger and have not been in trouble since then. I believe California should look at the person and the act and determine the situation before giving a person a life sentence of registration.

I currently live in Arkansas where I do not have to register. I was able to go through the court system and get this requirement waived do to the circumstances and the 20 year time frame. After going through the year long process;  I tried to get a Governors pardon from California but found out my particular code does not qualify.

I would love to be able to restore my rights as an American Citizen and be able to vote and have my gun rights restored.  At this time I plan on staying in Arkansas because it makes life easier for my family when I do not have to register. I would though like the option to move to another state if the opportunity arose without the stigma of being a sex offender over my head.

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Well, I mean no offense, but you sound very lucky! If your no longer required to register, your very lucky. I plead to a battery (wobbler) 20 years ago and received summary probation/no counseling/stay away from massage parlors. The charge was reduced to a misdemeanor and expunged/no issues? Are you required to register if you move to another state? Receiving a Pardon is like winning the lottery!

“If you were convicted of a felony in Arkansas you can vote if you’re not currently incarcerated or on probation or parole. Your right to vote can be restored only after completion of your sentence, parole, and/or probation and the payment of all probation or parole fees, court costs, fines, or restitution.”

“California. Individuals convicted of a felony are ineligible to vote while incarcerated and on parole. Voting rights are automatically restored upon completion of parole, and people on probation can vote. Ex-offenders should re-register to vote.”

A serious question…if you permanently reside in Arkansas, are you still registering yearly in California? If so, how do you do this…by mail, or do you actually travel to CA?

Curious….very….lol…or do you simply want a COR because…you want it and you deserve it, otherwise California is of no concern to you? Hummm was your conviction in CA originally?

Thanks for any response in advance. (yours is a fascinating story…with many ramifications…and I understand your desire to move if you wish…but this might be problematic…interesting…thanks for this post)

Best Wishes, James

This makes me wonder about my rights. I was convicted in 2006, only had to serve 7 months of jail, my probation is up in 4 months – I received a Jury Summons. Can I be excused because I have two felonies? And what does it mean by having my rights restored? If I have been able to vote, which rights were taken away and when are my rights restored?
